Thursday, June 11, 2015

Business Communication Model or Retro Theory

Shannon Model

Shannon model is specially designed to develop the effective communication between sender and receiver. Also they find factors which affecting the communication process called Noise. At first the model was developed to improve the Technical communication. Later it’s widely applied in the field of Communication. Its also called A Mathematical Theory of Communication and also called as Shannon-Weaver model of communication. The model deals with different concepts like Information source, transmitter, Noise, channel, message, receiver, channel, information destination, encode and decode.

Sender :  The creator of message or the information source selects desire message.
Encoder : The transmitter which converts the message into signals.
Note: The sender’s messages converted into signals like waves or Binary data which is completable to transmit the messages.
Decoder : The response place of the signal which converts signals into message. A reverse process of encode.
Receiver : The destination of the message from sender.

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