Sunday, June 14, 2015

What is Mass Marketing?

Mass Marketing

Just imagine about the last product you purchase. Now imagine about what influence you to make that purchase. It's likely that you see a profitable or some sort of advertisement that sparked your desire to make that purchase. So Mass marketing is the advertising or promotion of a product, good or service to a wide variety of audience with the expectation of appealing to as many as possible. The capability to generate consumers is what makes a company successful. Generally, the more customers a company has, the more successful it will be. People have to know that your product exists; if nobody knows your product exists, then no one will purchase your product or service. This will prevent you from being able to sustain a successful business. 

When you do mass marketing, it is easy for you to do transaction with large number of people in your nation. It will also make it easy for you to do deals with customers in surrounding countries and even other nations around the world, mass marketing makes your business go global. This is now possible as your customers can look at your adverts on cable TV.It  also saves time, in the sense that you don’t need to be repeating the process of promoting your product, once it is done it can always viewed over again. It  also allows you to reach out to large number of people at the same time within a period of time. It  also takes away the load of you having to sell to each customer differently and helps you sell to lots of customers at once.

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