Sunday, May 31, 2015

Reconstructing Market Boundaries to Create a Blue Ocean Strategy

Blue Ocean Strategy

The term may be new to us but blue oceans have always been with us. The term blue ocean strategy refers create uncontested market space, make the competition irrelevant, create and capture new demand, break the value/cost trade-off, align the whole system of a company’s activities in pursuit of different and low cost. If we look back hundreds years and ask ourselves about the topic where industries known today were then unknown. The point is always industries as basic as automobiles, music recording, aviation, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and management consulting were unheard-of or had just begun to arise. Now turn that clock again to back only 30 years and ask ourselves the same question. Again, we are in the same position and same segment a surplus of multi billion-dollar industries jump out: mutual funds, cellular telephones, biotechnology, discount retailing, express package delivery, snowboards, coffee bars, and home videos, to name a few. Just three eras ago, none of these industries existed in an expressive way.

This is not a difficult at all, because under formal business context, the assumption is that we talk about only legal and ethical avenues to start, manage, and eventually grow a “blue ocean” business. The truth is that many blue ocean businesses could trigger ethics debate in the face of but the fact is that they are playing in a permitted market space.

In the big market place some experts claim that Genetically Modified Organism are safe, there are others who claim that it is not. On the both sides, there are opinions that we, the common people, are often in the middle of nowhere to understand this. The anti- Genetically Modified Organism group often claims that Genetically Modified Organism food companies are well known for their “food security” fear tactics among developing countries and selling a comprehensive seed, fertilizer and pesticide “package”. It is not only the seed that you buy, but you have also to buy the whole package at their branded price. Rigorously from business point of view, this is really a wonderful business model, with great profit potential indeed.